Hi, my name is Ellie Mae Cagle. I am a single mom of a seven-year-old boy. Before starting bridges, I was living in a low-income apartment. I was getting food assistance, free health coverage, and help with child care expenses. As working at a team-staffing agency (at Winegard) so it was a temporary position. Some months I was not sure how I was going to pay my bills. I felt alone and did not feel I had much people that really cared. Then, in 2016 I participated in the first building bridges class. We all started out as a group of people who did not know each other and did not know anything about Bridges of how important it is for our community. We all started out as acquaintances then we grew to be friends and now we grew as a family. Not only do they say they care but they show it. A few months ago, I had a seizure and diagnosed with epilepsy. I was not able to drive for six months; I was not sure how I would get to work. Some amazing women from bridges offered to pick me up, take my son to daycare, and then me to work. This was an answer to my prayer, without them, I probably would not have a job. I never knew how much Bridges would really have an impact on my life.
Mona put plans in – Now, it has been a few years later and I have grown so much. I have a permanent job; I do not get food assistance, health insurance or help with childcare. I bought my first home in 2017. I did this all as a single mom.
For the new class, if I would give you a word of encouragement, I would say make the most of it, keep in contact with your getting-ahead partner. Let people in, and if you need help-ask. So many people here will be willing to help you and want to help. They are here to walk beside you and be your cheerleader in life. I am so proud of you guys and can’t wait to see where you guys go from here.