Are Staying Ahead Partners & Mike is a part of our Car Ministry.
My wife Joann and I attended an informational presentation several years ago at our church . It featured a teacher from West Burlington schools Vern who was instrumental in helping guide a new community based program Building Bridges out of poverty. He brought with him a number of young adults who were recent graduates from an intensive 18 week program designed to help them turn their lives around and become contributing members of our society. Each graduate spoke for a few minutes recounting the depths of destruction their lives had become due to past criminal activity, drug and alcohol addiction and suffering the effects of abuse. They all indicated one of the strengths of the program was the mentoring by community volunteers on a one on one basis they received. These individuals in many cases provided the responsible parenting the program participants never received while growing up and supplied the bond which enabled them find the strength and support required to take the initiative to break the consequences of the poor choices made. Joann had been the school nurse at BHS for over 30 years and I had been the building educational consultant and we both felt a calling to become part of this fantastic community program. We asked Vern what the next step would be to become involved and he directed us to visit with Mona Ash program director.
That was one of the best visits we had made, after going through an indoctrination session we were given our first assignment. We learned much about poverty and living in ghetto like conditions. We were there to help, encourage, become part of their family. Unfortunately this adventure did not work out as the individual reverted back to drug addiction and left Burlington for Chicago. We were sorry to see it end this way but it was a great learning experience for us. Our next mentoring assignment is still on going and continues to fill us with many opportunities to assist and encourage. The couple currently has found work and has been able to apply many of the skills acquired in the classroom to their family living conditions. As partners in their lives we are in touch frequently and they if stress arises know we are just a call or text away. Currently we are working with another very successful program graduate who will soon be graduating from SCC with credentials as an CNA. Her career path looks very promising. How exciting is it to be part of something unique that literally can change lives. We continue to be blessed with these opportunities!