I come from a generation of poverty but I didn’t realize it because love reigned over any circumstance. Whether the lights were cut off or just enough food to eat, we made do and we were so happy except when other family problems come into play. It took becoming an adult having my own kid to understand, life doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be this hard. I needed to be and do differently but suffering from anxiety and major depression kept me in just “thinking/wishing mode” instead of “doing mode”. With a lot of love and support I got out of my head and started to follow my heart. I began to fast more, pray more, worship & praise my way to freedom but I still needed help and that’s where Bridges came into play. I knew I needed change and this was my opportunity. Well it was a long wait but in the process I started moving slowly but life came together for me. Then I got the call. My thoughts were “Lord I’m good now; I think that spot is for someone else”. I prayed. And agreed to interview with Mona and in that conversation it was confirmed, yeah there’s something for you here beyond your imagination.
Class 6 of GA, We came into this class not expecting all we’ve received especially me. For me GA is the greatest tool next to God & a strong support system that transforms lives. It helped me identify key ingredients to a healthier & happier life even when obstacles arise. I think most of us would agree. We laughed together, we cried, we had victories and losses, we learned together and we became a support to one another. The value of a team from many walks of life striving for the same goal (getting ahead) is priceless. Thank you to ALL those who make Bridges happen, you are changing lives.
One of the main ingredients you provide through Bridges to a happy & healthy life is discipline & self-control. If you could control your mind and thoughts you can control your actions. Make wise and better decisions. Discipline will make you focus on the big picture and the “do” not don’t as well as action. When your disciplined you’re not easily moved or swayed to go against the grain. You look better and feel better. You mind, body, spirit, heart and soul will thank you now & later. The second ingredient is persistence. No matter how hard life gets or your circumstances make life seem, NEVER give up! In due time you will win! Nothing worth having is easy. The process makes you appreciate the blessing. Seek a lifeline in the process.
The saying my mom uses often “go through to get to” reigns true constantly. Put in the work and the outcome will prove it’s worth it.
To whom much is given much is required right? Of course! Do the work, whatever that may look like to maintain it. And don’t forget to pass it along to your fellow sisters & brothers in a way that is permitted. That could be just planting a seed or that could riding alongside them through their journey to help usher them into who they were meant to be. Strength is a factor in any component of a healthy & happy life specifically strengthening your mind! | personally draw strength from God, my Mother, my Daughter, my Sister/BFF & my Dad. Someone very dear to my heart & soul once told me a quote by Maya Angelou “You will always move in the direction of your strongest thought”. My mantra has become “Change your perspective to be productive”. When you change your mind about who you are and who you want to become the world looks so much bigger and better. You see beauty for ashes. You see strength through pain. You see opportunity in the face of adversity. You find joy in the midst of sadness. You see hope! Stay focused & use the tools you’ve been given to become whom you were destined to be! Congratulations GA 6!!! WE MADE IT!!!